Doctor's Updates

Fall Health & Wellness Tips 

As the weather changes and there is less daylight, autumn health issues start to arise. These health issues include things such as colds, stomach viruses, allergies, and the flu.

However, fall health concerns don't need to become stressful. Stay healthy with fall health and healthy fall foods to keep you feeling your best as you say "so long" to summer. 

Staying healthy through autumn season takes a nice combination of wholesome habits. Be sure to add the following tips  to your daily routine. 

  1. Get enough vitamin D. As the days become shorter, natural light can lead to a lack of vitamin D. Try to get outside in the sunlight for 15 minutes per day to get your feel.
  2. Take a brisk walk. If you tend to be really active in the summer months, the cooler fall temperatures might keep you indoors more. Schedule a quick walk at lunch time to get fresh air and a bit of exercise. 
  3. Stay hydrated. Believe it or not, feeling chilly can dehydrate you as much as sweating on a hot day can, as your body works hard to stay warm. Track your water intake to be sure you get enough water.
  4. Check your calorie intake. As we naturally stay indoors more, it's easy to become less active. When we are less active, we need fewer calories. Comfort food is synonymous with cooler temperatures, yet these dishes can often pack in more calories. Evaluate your input and your output to stay on top of your weight and maintain healthy balance.
  5. Be vigilant about handwashing. This isn't just a fall tip but one that you need to practice all year round. 
  6. Schedule any check-ups that you may have missed over the summer. Staying on top of your wellness visits, as well as any vaccines you might need, is key to staying healthy. 
  7. Prioritize sleep. Getting enough sleep is crucial for physical and mental well-being. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night and establish a consistent bedtime routine.
  8. Practice Mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and other mindful practices can help reduce stress, improve focus, and increase feelings of well-being. Take a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness. 


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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

